


vling very tired.....very unhappy......very dislike many things.....very understand about something.....
hello man...r u knw ???  u always forget ur promise me de things....for u nvm...but i very different..u knw? 
i not greedy ok ? i very very care ....almost 3 weeks u never accompany me...with ur frd go out and other!!
than me leh ? feel lonely u knw ? unfair for me..bcs u never feel lonely...single n relationship for u also same.,..pls dun always let me feel lonely...feel sad...u need to consider our continue or break up !!! 
i ald let u doing something....i cant accept de....bcs i very very very love u,i wanna u happy..
so up to u !!!! but u cant over ...cant hurt me ok ??? if u love me....pls doing a little bit things let me feel hapiness..thanks !

p/s : this article pure vent...do not care so much about.vent finished thanks
i will continue my relationship until he say give up....i will keep my promise!



好久没写部落格了...突然间,不知从那开始写起..呵呵 XD
从K.L 回来KEDAH 已经有好几个月了吧...短短的这几个月..就发生好多事情噢 ^^
说说工作环境吧 :p
同事对我还不错的说,只是觉得常说老板的是非...不好吧== 因为在傍边笑笑,点头说对,是的我..很容易殃及池鱼..哈哈..其实老板不错,只是太一毛不拔,常换注意,做好的事情临时改了意见,就要从做啊~事先说好吗?Hmm..
可以说ok!常常见面的我们,可以说相爱容易,相处难!但是你常常都会哄我,疼我...谢谢你。我爱你..hubby!有时候觉得很闷哦,因为我太早放工,而你常常要加OT ...陪我的时间比较少..我都让你去做,你喜欢做的事情..但你也要做让我开心的事情啦!I Hope i have a very surprise anniversary gift n celebration ! heheheXD
Hubby....woo..9month luh..for me very no easy..bcs i am a sentimental girl...i always thinking will b4 my b''day with u break up..in fact is me thinking too much ! thank you hubby ...u let me hv a lot sense of security
hubby..i very likes our life now...sometimes will quarrel,bad temper ,dislike some pattern..but soon passed, n r accepted..so pls keep our promise..forever oh :)
friend n family
heyo heyo..wanna meet my dear frd but hor times always no match ..a bor than is me busy another things,,,very sorry lah dear frd..thanks alger poh,viruse tan de gift..now i very add oil thinking about buy a very special gift for alger..hehe^^ my family ...i very lucky had a hapiness family